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Aleutians: Cradle of the Storms - World War II

美国  2011年出品  (55分钟)




Title:  Aleutians: Cradle of the Storms - World War II  
Director:  Michael Single
Year: 2001
Release Date:   04/12/2011
Rating:   NR
Format:   Blu-ray

Tells the story of a beautiful, raw land and its people, who have endured wave after wave of invaders and a relentless, unpredictable climate. The natives flourished on this remote chain for thousands of years. Though the land offered little and the weather was extreme, they led lives of quiet self-reliance nourished by the sea. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor forced America into the Second World War, and eventually the US began fortifying the Aleutians. The once tranquil islands were transformed into major military bases and war zones. This film tells the story of the native Aleuts as the violence of World War II arrives on their islands. Even in the face of such devastation, the Aleutian people endured and thrive today.

This full length documentary examines the unique role of the Aleutian Islands - a string of islands during World War II. Placed between Alaska and Siberia, where the harsh geological landscape and overall conditions have helped formulate an equally toughened and strife-filled culture, the archipelago was fortified by US forces during the conflict, and became a haven for landing Navy sea planes






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